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⇒ Descargar Gratis Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

Download As PDF : Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

Download PDF  Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

While traveling to Fren, Allyssa and Odar are hijacked by a ruthless assassin who divulges a stunning secret that changes everything.

Trying to come to terms with this newfound revelation, Allyssa is taken to Russek and delivered into the hands of a malicious and twisted royal family. She finds herself an unwilling pawn in a risky political game that will either end with her death or the annihilation of her beloved kingdom. Unsure of where the lies end and the truth begins, she must survive the brutal family and escape the fortified castle, all the while coming to grips with her feelings for Odar.

In a kingdom filled with darkness, Allyssa enters a game where one wrong move means death, secrets hide around each corner, and it will take every ounce of cunning she has to survive.

Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

It only took me three months to read this, right? No biggie. Not shameful at all. That’s entirely on me as this was an absolutely fantastic book, though I thought there were a few problems.

Mainly, I thought the author underestimated herself in conveying emotions. It was a “show, don’t tell” issue in some scenes where a character’s feelings/intentions were displayed very well, but we still had Allyssa put it to words in her head. If those sections had been cut, I wouldn’t have had any problem rating this a full 5 stars. (Goodreads and Amazon don’t let you rate in halves, so I try to do my own ratings accordingly.)

The plot:

Book #1 ended with an ambush/murder/kidnapping and the action picks right back up. Romance, torture, betrayal, and a tangled web of duties and deceptions. This series continues to have the same feel of the True Reign series whilst being its own and I'm loving it!

The characters:

Allyssa does some interesting growing, realizing that her responsibilities to her kingdom are much bigger than what she wants. She matures a lot, especially with what she goes through in Russek. It was amazing to see how much she grew, but also sad. No one should have to age 10 years in a few weeks. My poor baby.

I really didn’t like Odar in this at all. Even before we get to the twist at the last quarter of the book, I was starting to dislike him. I mean, planning to let the princess of Emperion marry his squire in a deception? What the hell, dude? Never mind the unrenounced, misogynistic bastardry of his homeland, Fren. And the whole “don’t spare my feelings” debacle. Jerk. To be honest, he started irritating me most once Kerdan turned up.

I want to marry Kerdan. It’s hard for me to explain why without dissolving into besotted blubbering, but we have a duty-driven badass loved by his soldiers while struggling to do the right thing. How can I not love him? At one point, it was like “Odar who?” Not to mention Kerdan has never actually lied to Allyssa (unlike SOME PEOPLE). I’m sorry, but it’s so freaking true.

Soma, Shelene, Jana, and Eliza were just…raw evil. I prefer my evil medium rare or at least blanched, but this is middle YA, so I didn’t count off for that. I’m not sure why, but I found the final scene with Odar and Shelene highly disturbing. Usually, I’m not bothered by violence in books, but…I don’t know. Still, that was probably my favorite scene with any of the step-royals because it was the most humanizing.

I’m super excited for book #3 this fall and it looks like my favorite character from the True Reign series will be coming back. YES. Just give me Nathanek and Kerdan bantering for a whole book and I can die happy.

Product details

  • File Size 6870 KB
  • Print Length 316 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 0998151661
  • Publisher Reign Publishing (April 4, 2017)
  • Publication Date April 4, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis

Tags : Cage of Darkness: Reign of Secrets, Book 2 eBook: Jennifer Anne Davis: Kindle Store,ebook,Jennifer Anne Davis,Cage of Darkness: Reign of Secrets, Book 2,Reign Publishing,Juvenile Fiction Historical Military & Wars,Juvenile Fiction Royalty
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Cage of Darkness Reign of Secrets Book 2 eBook Jennifer Anne Davis Reviews

The middle saga of Princess Alyssa. So many twists and turns. Will she survive the growing feud between Emperion and Russek? Will the Princess and Prince stay betrothed? Alyssa has a very big decision to make towards the end. Will Alyssa choose to fight for love or for an alliance to support her kingdom? Wish the third book was out faster!
Family secrets. Court secrets. Relationship secrets, oh my! These families make mine seem functional, but never mind that when there are swords, torture and thrones to overthrow.
I suggest snacks, a nail file, a friend on speed dial so you can properly rant about the characters you love to hate and plenty of tissues to mop up your heart... This one is an all nighter!
I hate that book 3 isn't out right now! I have no words at how happy I am at how things ended in this book. Jennifer Anne Davis should win many awards for these two series. They are clean, no cursing, no sex, no magic and very entertaining! Although these cliff hangers are going to give me a heart attack lol. It's soo hard to find books like that, let alone two series that connect to each other. Just simply awesome!
Oh man what a good book. I don't know how to review without spoilers. I think Prince Odar is the hero of these stories, but I am rooting for a different prince. I didn't mind that Odar lied, but the situation at the castle and the final act was far worse. My hope is that she ends up with another prince. Someone who I have far more respect for. This book keeps you guessing right until the end. Good read!
I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this second book, especially after Alyssa arrived in Russek. But once Kerdan came into the picture I loved the mysteries surrounding him and his motives, and I'm excited to see what happens there with alliances and such. As for Odar? Who knows what I want. Kerdan is much more interesting right now, so fingers crossed the next book meets my expectations.
Alyssa and Odar taken captive by the assassin and delivered to the Queen of Russek. War with Emperion , 20 years of revenge in the making, Alyssa suffers at the hands of the dungeon torturer, saved by an unlikely enemy, to find freedom in her grasp with the man she has come to love. A unique turn of events make this a slammin darn good read. I cried, I cursed the author....I loved this book!
Since the explosive ending for Cage of Deceit, I have been anxiously waiting to find out what would happen to Allyssa and Odar. Rest assured, there is no second book slump in this series. From the beginning moments, Cage of Darkness is action packed and never relents. I couldn't even bother to sleep, staying up late into the night to finish. There are numerous plot twists and alliances are constantly shattered and realigned. Cage of Darkness represents everything I enjoy in a YA fantasy series.

"Always remember, you are the leader of your own destiny."

Cage of Darkness is darker and more intense than anything I've read from Jennifer Davis. After the initial shock wore off, I was left feeling impressed. Allyssa was a tough heroine in Deceit, but she delivers on an entirely new level. She has to endure countless battles and events throughout, and it only strengthens her resolve. Her chemistry with Odar is as fiery as ever. Despite the violence and more somber feel, there is still plenty of banter and emotional moments. Allyssa continues to develop into a strong leader for her kingdom, and I especially admired her attitude in the closing moments.

"I'm not the girl I was before I came here. This place has changed me."

I cannot wait for the third installment of this series. All of my ships have sunk and my theories blown to pieces, but I relish truly not knowing what will happen next. If you are a YA fantasy fan, I recommend trying Reign of Secrets.
It only took me three months to read this, right? No biggie. Not shameful at all. That’s entirely on me as this was an absolutely fantastic book, though I thought there were a few problems.

Mainly, I thought the author underestimated herself in conveying emotions. It was a “show, don’t tell” issue in some scenes where a character’s feelings/intentions were displayed very well, but we still had Allyssa put it to words in her head. If those sections had been cut, I wouldn’t have had any problem rating this a full 5 stars. (Goodreads and don’t let you rate in halves, so I try to do my own ratings accordingly.)

The plot

Book #1 ended with an ambush/murder/kidnapping and the action picks right back up. Romance, torture, betrayal, and a tangled web of duties and deceptions. This series continues to have the same feel of the True Reign series whilst being its own and I'm loving it!

The characters

Allyssa does some interesting growing, realizing that her responsibilities to her kingdom are much bigger than what she wants. She matures a lot, especially with what she goes through in Russek. It was amazing to see how much she grew, but also sad. No one should have to age 10 years in a few weeks. My poor baby.

I really didn’t like Odar in this at all. Even before we get to the twist at the last quarter of the book, I was starting to dislike him. I mean, planning to let the princess of Emperion marry his squire in a deception? What the hell, dude? Never mind the unrenounced, misogynistic bastardry of his homeland, Fren. And the whole “don’t spare my feelings” debacle. Jerk. To be honest, he started irritating me most once Kerdan turned up.

I want to marry Kerdan. It’s hard for me to explain why without dissolving into besotted blubbering, but we have a duty-driven badass loved by his soldiers while struggling to do the right thing. How can I not love him? At one point, it was like “Odar who?” Not to mention Kerdan has never actually lied to Allyssa (unlike SOME PEOPLE). I’m sorry, but it’s so freaking true.

Soma, Shelene, Jana, and Eliza were just…raw evil. I prefer my evil medium rare or at least blanched, but this is middle YA, so I didn’t count off for that. I’m not sure why, but I found the final scene with Odar and Shelene highly disturbing. Usually, I’m not bothered by violence in books, but…I don’t know. Still, that was probably my favorite scene with any of the step-royals because it was the most humanizing.

I’m super excited for book #3 this fall and it looks like my favorite character from the True Reign series will be coming back. YES. Just give me Nathanek and Kerdan bantering for a whole book and I can die happy.
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